The Story Behind the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ Fight

2 minute read

It was advertised as “The Rumble in the Jungle.” The 25-year old powerhouse vs. the aging 32-year old. The late Muhammed Ali and George Foreman were preparing to duke it out on the ring in Kinshasa, Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo to an audience of 60,000 on October 30, 1974 for the heavyweight championship title.

President Mobutu Sese Seko, who wanted Zaire to be in the spotlight, had secured a $10 million purse to host the event and split the cash evenly amongst the two. Everything was at stake for these egos. It was Ali’s chance to show the world his fighting spirit never wavered and Foreman’s chance to further cement his invincibility and remain undefeated by taking down the greatest. To celebrate Norman Mailer’s birthday today, we look back at the legendary matchup through his 1975 book The Fight. Newly released as a Collector’s Edition from Taschen, The Fight features images by Sports Illustrated’s Neil Leifer and Ali’s official photographer Howard L. Bingham.

The Fight book cover, George-Foreman-Muhammad Ali
Norman Mailer The Fight book cover.Courtesy of Taschen

The 234-page book is packed with a combination of colorized and black-and-white images of the two over the course of several weeks as they adjusted to Zaire’s tropical climate for the big night. Mailer, who wrote the book and often described his role in the third person, Bingham and Leifer, all whom have developed a steady relationship with the boxers throughout the years, were given unlimited access to their training and downtime.

Ali’s boisterous demeanor guided him in connecting with the public who were ecstatic upon his arrival. He would often make trips to Kinshasa and even let them run alongside him through the streets. Foreman on the other hand was serious and unrelenting even after suffering a cut above his right eye during training which caused the match to be moved back from September to October.

Norman Mailer The Fight interior spreads. Photos by Neil Leifer.
Norman Mailer The Fight interior spreads. Photos by Neil Leifer.Courtesy of Taschen

The Fight has stood against the test of time, often being praised by critics as one of the best and most interesting boxing works to date.

Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
Muhammad Ali, flanked by promoter Don King and his manager Herbert Muhammad, is received by Mobutu Sese Seko, president of Zaire, wearing his characteristic leopard-skin hat. The despotic Mobutu readily put up the $10 million combined purse, knowing that the fight would bring Zaire to the international sporting stage.Neil Leifer—Sports Illustrated, courtesy of Taschen
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
Ali was wildly popular in Zaire and was surrounded by thousands of fans whenever he ventured outside of the presidential compound where he stayed and trained. A five-week delay in the fight due to Foreman’s cut right eye gave Ali even more opportunity to get out, including a trip to Kisingani, and to interact with the crowds who spontaneously chanted “Ali, boma ye! Ali, boma ye!” (“Ali, kill him! Ali, kill him!”) often with the added encouragement of Ali himself.Howard L. Bingham, courtesy of Taschen
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
“After one press conference I went back to his camp and saw him just sitting there alone, kind of collapsed,” said photographer Lynn Goldsmith. “It was like when he was ‘on’ his body was filled with energy, with spirit, and when he turned it off, there was nothing there but a tired vessel.”Lynn Goldsmith, courtesy of Taschen
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
Ali breaks from training to show some love to his mother Odessa Clay and his father Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr.Neil Leifer—Sports Illustrated, courtesy of Taschen
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
Ali prepares to train. Left to right behind Ali: photographer Howard Bingham, trainer Angelo Dundee (in glasses), and assistant trainers Wali Muhammad, and Drew Bundini Brown.Neil Leifer—Sports Illustrated, courtesy of Taschen
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
Ali resting after training, with his ornamental walking stick. Journalists noted how he would switch off when not in the public and press gaze and become an altogether more contemplative figure.Howard L. Bingham, courtesy of Taschen
Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in Zaire for The Fight, 1974.
Ali looks to intimidate the focused Foreman as they emerge from their corners.Howard L. Bingham. courtesy of Taschen

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