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Apple’s Latest ‘Shot on iPhone’ Campaign Focuses on Night Photography

2 minute read

Following the success of its two previous campaigns, Apple is bringing back its “Shot on iPhone” campaign, which highlights the iPhone’s camera features.

This year, Apple selected photographers who capture their surroundings at night using the low light camera on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus.

One of the photographers featured in the campaign, Jennifer Bin, photographed Shanghai and focused on the futuristic elements of the city.

Apple billboard in San Francisco

“The whole concept behind this campaign is that the photographer is shooting from dusk to dawn, so almost all the shooting is done at night,” she says. “I’m very pleasantly surprised at the quality of the photos that I shot and how some of the photos really blur the line between what people perceive to be iPhone photography vs camera photography.”

Photographer Reuben Wu used the iPhone 7 Plus to capture images of a volcano whose lava burns blue in East Java, Indonesia, and Cocu Liu photographed the streets of San Francisco.

The images taken throughout the night will be displayed in 25 countries starting Jan. 30.

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From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignLaurence Bouchard
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignEason Hsiung
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignBenjamin Plouffe
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignCocu Liu
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignElsa Bleda
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignJennifer Bin
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignElsa Bieda
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignLaurence Bouchard
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignJeremy Perez
Processed with VSCO with c3 preset
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignJeremy Perez
Processed with VSCO with tk preset
From Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaignJennifer Bin

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