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Answer These 8 Questions to Find Out How Private Your Personal Data Really Is

1 minute read

After the recent revelation that political analysis firm Cambridge Analytica improperly accessed the data of 50 million Facebook accounts, many internet users are exploring ways to better protect their digital privacy.

You’re probably aware that tech giants like Facebook, Google and others are consistently gathering valuable information about you as you travel around the web.

But the depth and breadth of the data that tech firms collect can surprise even the most savvy internet users.

They look at information like your browsing history, your search queries and, sometimes, even your day-to-day movements in the real world to learn about you and serve you targeted advertisements. (Advertising dollars, after all, make up the bulk of many of these companies’ revenue.)

How secure is your personal information on the internet, and how can you take steps to bolster your privacy in the wake of the Facebook data breach? Take the quiz below to get your internet privacy report card, and learn about some easy steps that can improve your score.

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