• World

2018 Was a Year of Tension, Threats and Powerful Unity. Here’s How It Unfolded

2 minute read

2018 was a year marked by political tension in a number of parts of the world and threats to freedom of the press—but was also a year in which people made powerful stands for equality and united in response to natural disasters.

The political divides of 2017 continued as the second year of the Trump Administration was met with ongoing strains between the left and right. In the United Kingdom, Brexit continued to move forward, but not without confusion, political infighting and a challenge to Prime Minister Theresa May’s ability to lead.

A controversial Supreme Court seat was filled, but what many will remember the words of lasting impact by Christine Blasey Ford.

The nation mourned together following the deadly mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. But many young activists took a stand against the NRA and thousands marched on Washington for gun control legislation.

The border wall remained a debate, while some asylum seekers were met with tear gas, and many were separated from their families.

People voted in record numbers in the 2018 midterm elections, and women and minorities made history after winning congressional and gubernatorial elections.

France won the World Cup, the Eagles won the Super Bowl and records were broken at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games.

Watch the video above for a look at the biggest moments of 2018.

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