‘We Are United.’ Joe Biden Avoided Partisan Attacks in His State of the Union Address

6 minute read

Joe Biden walked into the House Chamber Tuesday night, maskless, shaking hands with lawmakers before he spoke about a new moment in the country easing its pandemic restrictions. “Last year COVID-19 kept us apart. This year we are finally together again,” Biden said during his first State of the Union address, to bipartisan applause.

Then, for ten minutes, Biden found another topic that kept Republicans and Democrats on the same page: opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Putin “badly miscalculated,” Biden said. “He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead he met a wall of strength he never imagined: he met the Ukrainian people.” To loud applause from both parties, Biden announced the U.S. is closing its airspace to Russian planes and would work to seize yachts and apartments of Russian oligarchs. Putin “thought he could divide us at home, in this chamber and this nation,” Biden said. “But Putin was wrong. We are ready. We are united.”

Biden spent much of his hour-long speech addressing the ways in which the bitterly divided country can unite around shared goals. Standing up to Russia was just the start. He garnered bipartisan applause for saying the solution to protecting communities is not to defund the police but to “fund the police” with resources and training. He likewise gained GOP ovations for arguing the government needs to secure the border. He spoke of the need to increase the number of judges available to hear asylum cases, ad libbing from his prepared remarks that “those who are not legitimately here can be sent back.” Biden said schools should stay open, a stance many Republicans have held for the greater part of the last two years. He acknowledged inflation—which may turn out to be a crippling vulnerability for Democrats in the midterms—is “robbing” families.

In an extraordinary moment in the nation, a President suffering approval ratings among the lowest he has seen in his first term sought to bring lawmakers together rather than emphasizing their differences. He never mentioned former President Donald Trump by name, and although he criticized the tax cuts passed during Trump’s Administration, he largely avoided partisan attacks on Republicans. Biden, beleaguered by voters souring on his frenzied pullout of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic he promised to get under control, and the increasing odds that his party will lose control over one or both chambers of Congress in the November midterm elections, needed a strong showing Tuesday night.

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Partisan cracks still showed. No sooner had Biden finished talking about Ukraine than Republicans began booing his first mention of his domestic policy priorities, when he invoked the coronavirus relief package he signed into law shortly after taking office without the support of a single Republican lawmaker.

Biden didn’t mention his stalled social spending and climate policy package by its former title, Build Back Better, but he was met by stony silence from the GOP when he promoted aspects of it like affordable childcare and cheaper electric vehicles that aides say the President still hopes to pass in increments. Meanwhile, Sen. Joe Manchin, the centrist Democrat from West Virginia who sank plans to pass these legislative items as a sweeping package, was seated next to Republicans, showing fissures remain even among the President’s own party.

Other signs of discord were more palpable. Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado heckled Biden’s citation of American troops who died of fatal illnesses after service abroad—including his late son Beau Biden—and ended up in flag-draped coffins. “You put them in, 13 of them,” she called out, in reference to the 13 U.S. military members who died in an explosion during the messy Afghanistan withdrawal.

Going into the address, Republicans were eager to paint Biden as a weak and ineffective leader by highlighting the rising prices consumers are facing across the nation—particularly at the gas pumps. “Americans are paying the price for Joe Biden’s anti energy agenda that has caused the price of gas to skyrocket,” Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York told reporters Tuesday. GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana said Biden’s policies are “begging Putin to produce more oil” as Putin sends troops over the border to Ukraine.

In an acknowledgment of the strain Russia’s war in Ukraine is putting on the global gas supply, the White House announced Tuesday that the U.S. will release 30 million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. Biden added Tuesday night that he would be “ready to do more if necessary.”

He also conceded that COVID-19 is still a danger, and could produce new variants. He laid out steps the Administration will take—including expanding the free COVID-19 test-by-mail program and launching an initiative to provide people who test positive for the virus at pharmacies with free antiviral pills on the spot—to continue mitigating the virus’ threat.

Biden’s best evidence, however, may not have come from the plans he discussed, but the environment in which he discussed them: a room full of hundreds of lawmakers and journalists, mostly unmasked, after two years of a pandemic that upended the economy and killed nearly one million Americans. In the last year, many Republican lawmakers had shed their masks in the halls of the Capitol (or never wore them in the first place). Now, for the first time in a large public showing, most Democratic lawmakers—and the President—were united in that too.

Rep. Sean Casten, a Democrat from Illinois, tells TIME his decision to not wear a mask to the speech was made possible because Biden’s Administration was able to get so many Americans vaccinated. “We are at this point because of Biden’s leadership,” he says.

And at the end of his speech, Biden landed on one final note of unity. “The state of the union is strong,” he said, “because the American people are strong.” Whether voters think Biden’s performance is strong enough to reverse his political fortunes, however, remains to be seen.

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Write to Abby Vesoulis at [email protected]